- Isolate & Purify Proteins: Protein Expression Vectors, Cell Lysis and Protein Extraction Columns, Affinity Purification Columns, Immunoprecipitation, Dialysis and Desalting Columns
- Detect & Measure Proteins
Protein Assays
- Electrophoresis: Acrylamide, Protein Standards and Markers, Buffers & Reagents, Precast gels.
- Staining: Comassive blue Staining, Silver Staining and Fluorescent Protein Staining.
- Western Blotting: Membranes, Blotting Kits, Buffers & Reagents, Molecular Weight Markers, Autoradiography Cassettes, autoradiography fixer/replenisher/ developer and Hyper film ECL.
- ELISA Kits: Direct ELISA, Indirect ELISA and Sandwich ELISA.
- Antibodies: Primary Antibodies, Secondary Antibodies, Antibody Purification and Antibody Labelling.
- Mass Spectrometry and HPLC: Columns, Solvents and Standards.
- Label & Link Proteins: Proteins Crosslinkers, Modifying Reagents for Amino Acids, Fluorescent Labeling kits, PEGylation reagents and Biotinylation kits and reagents.
- Cell Separation: Magnetic Particle Separation.
- Crystallization: Blocks, Tubes, Suites, Sealing tapes, Foils and µPlates.